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In this certification we will deal with the fundamental concepts to manage the supply chain in a holistic way, considering the effects that the current crisis leaves us to apply lessons in the new context in which organizations will operate. Starting from the principles of management with the different flows (cash, materials, information and return) until answering questions such as:

  • Understand the causal elements in the variation of demand.
  • What behavior patterns can we expect for the next few months to understand if we will return to historical patterns or if the turning point in demand is really a point of no return and our new normal will be completely different from the past?
  • What new skills must we develop to plan and manage demand in the future?
  • What tools exist that allow us to navigate through the uncertainty of these times to emerge from this crisis with a new business model or major changes in the way we run our processes in the internal and extended supply chain?
  • What skills and capacities do we need to develop to manage the supply chain holistically?
  • What macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators should we follow to build a mechanism that helps us detect changes in the environment?
  • What innovations will we have in the use of technology to manage inventories with demand?
  • What production strategies will be the most convenient to apply in the new context that we are developing as we emerge from the crisis?
  • What improvement tools can we apply in this global context to ensure that innovation becomes part of the DNA of our company?
  • How should we manage risks to ensure that we detect major changes in the future and react appropriately to them?

Content of the Supply Chain Management Certification:

  1. Introduction to supply chain management.
  2. Planning and demand management.
  3. Transition from a vertical planning process to an adaptive model.
  4. Quality tools for managing operations.
  5. Purchasing and supplier development.
  6. Storage and inventory management.
  7. Valuation of the supply chain.
  8. Evaluation of trends in different markets and changes developed in the business models of various industries.
  9. Evaluation of international scenarios.
  10. Change management.
  11. Risk management.

Total length

Synchronous format (live online): 60 hours subject to the schedule established at

Asynchronous online format: approximately 60 hours of content due to the work of editing the videos (the information content does not decrease in editing). This format will be gradually available while the first program of 2021 runs.

Minimum quorum for the live online program: 5 people.

The price of this article includes the digital study platform with the following components: study material, work tools, simulators, articles, videos of the classes and complementary videos, certification exam, certificate of compliance and approval, and digital badge.

Note: The offer for this certification expires on March 30, 2021.

Certification in Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management


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